Established in 1989 by NestorMariana Miranda, Miami CigarCo. has become a leading distributor of premium cigars. A portfolio includes the acclaimed brand La Aurora, S.A, Nestor Miranda Collection, Tatiana,Don Lino. Miami CigarCo. prides itself on being a family-claimed company that embodies its saying: “It’s not just cigars, it’s a lifestyle.”
Starting in the storage compartment of her car in 1989, Mariana developed her small business, year after year, with her hard workdedication to customer service. Her story is an example of the American dream: she came from Cuba with little more than a vision for her futuresurpassed all initial business aspirations. Today, Miami Cigar serves more than 1,200 cigar retailers all through the United States, with additional distribution in 25 unique countries.
Miami Cigar developedprospered and, in 1994, it was the ideal opportunity for Mariana to enlist her first full-time representative. Her lone son, Daniel, had just gotten back from Suffolk University in Bostonbegan working in the family business. Daniel was an immediate asset to Miami Cigarimmediately assumed responsibility for the company’s operations. His job continued to develop,Daniel was named chief in 2000. He adequately drove the business until his unfavorable passing in 2008. Out of appreciation for Daniel, the company released a special edition cigar, Danno, to commemorate all he accomplished for Miami Cigar.
Like Daniel, Tatiana started Miami Cigar in 1994. While attending the University of Florida, Tatiana spent her summerwinter breaks assisting with maintaining the family business.
The brand was named after Tatiana in 1996 via apology for a surprising omission in a Cigar Aficionado article about the companythe Miranda family. The fall 1996 issue of the magazine carried an elaborate feature on Miami CigarCo. The company was then seven years oldone of the leading shop cigar companies.
The article focused on Marianna Miranda, the company’s organizer, Nestor Miranda, chief,her late son, Daniel, all active. The daughter, Tatiana, a secondary school student, regularly encouraged her mom in the workplacewas extremely upset that she was not referenced in any context in the article.
This omission prompted the creation of a brand that breaks the traditional schemes of the tobacco industry. Tatiana has chosen to take an active job in managing the successful cigar line. The Tatiana brand has a market share in the flavored cigar category of over 43%*.
Tatiana cigars are created in five sizes:
- La Vita (5 x 38)
- ClassicClassic Tubes (6 x 44)
- Dolce (5 x 30)
- Miniatures (3.5 x 26)
Contingent upon the size, they are available in rum, Tatiana vanilla cigars, nectar, cherry, amaretto, cappuccino, cherry, chocolate, cinnamon, tropical, tangerine,natural.
Three different blends could be described as more extraordinary or esoteric. They are “Sweet Blue,” “Night Cap,”“Waking Dream”; they are planned as a combination of cigarcocktail. They are particularly popular with ladies.
In 2008, the company added the Tatiana “Mocha,” a cigar that added a dash of mocha so as not to overpower the tobacco flavor yet gave off a luscious mocha aroma.
The cigars, including the Tatiana vanilla cigars, are all long-filler,superb tobaccos are used. Creation is handled by La Aurora in Santiago, Dominican Republic.